Unreadable Usylessly Blue Book, 2007
Reinhold Nasshan / Einhand Press, Landau, Germany
James Joyce: Finnegans Wake 1/179–182
Six cyanotype prints with text from Finnegans Wake, set and printed by Reinhold Nasshan at the Einhand Press in Landau, Germany. Binding with exposed spine between boards sided with paper, with 5 blue suede strips covering kettle stitching and sewing stations by Silvia Schreiber.
25 pages, 300 x 215mm, unique book signed and dated by the artist.
Unreadable Usylessly Blue Book won the London Art Book Fair 2011 Award for Excellence from the Birgit Skiold Memorial Trust and was purchased for the National Art Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
This unique book was purchased by Reed Contemporary Books from the artist at the Codex Fair in Berkeley California in February 2011.